Monday, 24 February 2014

Drawings of Subject Matter

Here are some of the drawings of subject matter, I was trying to get used to a particular style that I wanted to use on my cover, they are all still slightly rough around the edges but I think this is a style I would stick to and develop for the best quality for my book cover. I struggled drawing the characters more than the objects for any major mistakes I made I used tipex to go over the areas I messed up and start again, because I was using a biro pen, doing this didn't effect it to much because when you scan it in and put it on photoshop and change the threshold, it does not detect the tipex. I would very much consider using some of these drawings on my book cover although they could probably do with some tidying up before hand, for example lassoing out the scruffy extra lines in some of the drawings and I could also add lines it to make it look better and cleaner, then adding colour in.

Conventions of Form



Rather than looking at elements of graphic design on a book cover such as contrast, alignment, proximity and repetition, I will be highlighting industry information and elements that are involved on a book cover. By doing this task, I got a clearer understanding of what might normally be on a book cover, and where it could possibly belong. I can use my knowledge of this to help me with the layout of my book cover and what information I should put on it to look more realistic and professional. Books are generally quite minimalistic and have the basic industry information put on and the the rest of information left is there to attract the readers towards the book and then to read  it.

Friday, 14 February 2014


Trying out different styles, techniques and medias for my illustration to get and understanding and comfortable with a possible style of drawing I could use on my book cover. I like the top drawing as I can see lots of room for improvement and it reminds me of a potential artist or designer that I could try my work in their style, at the moment though I think those drawing are slightly to evil looking for a children's book with the harsh sharp conners\edges on the characters but I look forward to working with this kind of style and improving it to reach my own style for my book, I don't like the drawing with water colour on, they almost look to messy and I found it a difficult media to work with as its hard to do little details. Above is another style I was experimenting with and I think it looks good but I cant see much room for development such as adding colour and without this it might no appeal to my target market - children.


Clarifying the intention of my idea and what I want my final book cover to display and the impression I trying to translate across to the reader when the look at it. Bringing my ideas together and create a path I can follow of what might be on the cover, I like the whole idea of the story being like a puzzle of exploring. I want to use some of the many symbols in the Alice in Wonderland book on my own book cover for example, the key hole,  cards and the mushroom.

Similar Artefacts Scamps

Here are my scamps of the similar artefacts, I created these by drawing them in fine liner with by hand and scanned those drawings into photoshop where I adjusted the threshold to make the lines bolder, cleaner and clearer. After that I then added the colours, using the lasso tool in photoshop, that were on the original ones I was copying as you can see in my pinertrest pages in the post below.  I enjoyed this task because I think its interesting to work up to see the different between your interoperation scamps and the original covers, I like how the detail is simplified and it doesn't take to long to do.

Similar Artefacts

My Pinterest board full of book covers that caught my eye, to help give my ideas for my final book cover and understand the general layout and concept of what a books front cover might look like. I found different styles that most, I like but there are some that I don't like as much. From looking at all these book covers I hope to get some sort of influence as to what I might like mine to be like when I finish.


Brainstorming some foundation ideas, around my topics of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.