Monday, 24 February 2014

Drawings of Subject Matter

Here are some of the drawings of subject matter, I was trying to get used to a particular style that I wanted to use on my cover, they are all still slightly rough around the edges but I think this is a style I would stick to and develop for the best quality for my book cover. I struggled drawing the characters more than the objects for any major mistakes I made I used tipex to go over the areas I messed up and start again, because I was using a biro pen, doing this didn't effect it to much because when you scan it in and put it on photoshop and change the threshold, it does not detect the tipex. I would very much consider using some of these drawings on my book cover although they could probably do with some tidying up before hand, for example lassoing out the scruffy extra lines in some of the drawings and I could also add lines it to make it look better and cleaner, then adding colour in.

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